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​Will I save money if I hire an electric car?

​Will I save money if I hire an electric car?

Research shows that by owning an electric vehicle, motorists could save more than £1,000 per year on car maintenance and fuel savings. A significant amount of money that can be made by making a relatively simple switch from a traditional vehicle to electric. Electric vehicles also benefit from savings on vehicle tax.

It’s widely reported how cheap charging an electric vehicle is compared to petrol, but savings are also made through maintenance. Because electric vehicles are simpler by design with fewer moving parts and things that could go wrong, maintenance costs are lower. But when it comes to hiring an electric vehicle, will motorists feel any financial benefit?

Money savings on electric car hire

On a short-term hire, perhaps for a long weekend. Unless you are using the vehicle to travel long distances, it’s unlikely that you will see any financial benefit in the cost of running the car.

The biggest day-to-day financial saving with EVs is the cost of fuel. Depending on where you charge and the type of vehicle, in an electric car you can expect to travel 100 miles for under £2, compared to at least £12 in a petrol-powered vehicle.

So, if you were to use our car hire in Leicester to travel down to Brighton for a long weekend, the 320 mile round-trip would cost a maximum of £7 in an electric car but around £40 in a petrol powered vehicle; a saving over £30. And that’s without the driving around in the city.

There is also the matter of avoiding London’s Congestion Charge and Ultra Low Emission Zone if you travel to or through the capital.

If you regularly use car hire services throughout the year or are looking for a car over an extended period such as a month-long hire, the savings you will make will clearly be more substantial.

Of course, as a car hirer, you won’t have to pay for the maintenance of the vehicle but in fuel costs alone, choosing an electric vehicle can be an appealing proposition.

Although an appealing factor, it’s not just the financial benefit that draws drivers to the electric car when hiring. Yes, the extra pounds are a bonus but just as important is the vehicle’s low-emission qualities and unique drive experience.

UK electric car hire

With 20 locations around the UK, you’re never too far from one of our branches and we have car hire available in many of the most popular tourist destinations. For more information about the range of vehicles available, browse our online booking platform.