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Can flying cars become a reality?

Around a dozen companies around the world are competing to be the first to develop an aircraft which will allow commuters to fly above crowded roadways.

A few models under development look like cars with wings that unfold for flying. However, they are not like cars at all. Typically, they take off and land vertically – like helicopters. Also, they have multiple rotors which are operated by electric batteries instead of a conventional piston engine.

There’s no guarantee yet that flying-car dreams will become a reality but entrepreneurs are continuing to move forward stating that they believe their products could be on the market in as little as 10 years.

The current obstacles include the development of longer-lasting lightweight batteries as the current batteries available can only keep the vehicles aloft for 15 – 30 minutes, as well as receiving approval from the Federal Aviation Administration with even small changes in aviation technology taking years to be approved.

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