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The Prime Minister for the UK, Theresa May, has announced that from now on her cabinet will recommend where and when a new airport runway will be built, following which there will be a consultation on the decision.
However, many environmental activists are still not satisfied with the new legislation, claiming that the only place in which a new runway should be built which doesn’t affect the UK’s climate change commitment would be, quite simply, nowhere.
The census among environmentalists is that the UK will not be able to uphold their Paris Agreement on climate change should new runways be built – the runway up for debate would be built at London's Heathrow Airport – as the expansion of airports would expand the UK’s usage of oil, gas and coal. Most sectors are able to replace their usage of fossil fuels with other sources however this doesn’t apply to aviation as they use kerosene in order to lift people into the sky.
Improvements in the fuel economy of aircraft's has declined to 1% or less per year which is greatly exceeded by the growth in aviation.
The government is proposing that the extra runway at Heathrow will not conflict with its environmental policy by making extra cuts to accommodate for the runway and / or carbon tax – both of which are not ideal for the general public.
While more thought and planning needs to be implemented into the situation, Green Motion car rental takes its environmental policy seriously, championing best practices and attitudes to ensure that our impact on the environment is kept to a minimum.
To find out more about environmental best practices or to make a car rental booking at London Heathrow Airport or in any one of our 260 global locations, please contact Green Motion car hire directly at or+44 (0) 2071864000.