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UK to set limits on harmful airborne particles

UK to set limits on harmful airborne particles

The UK government will set new targets to protect people from the effects of breathing in tiny particles produced by transport and industry. Click here to read the full story.

The UK falls some way short of a limit recommended by the World Health Organization for tiny particles called PM 2.5s which are produced by burning fuels in power generation, domestic heating and in vehicle engines, and are known to harm the lungs and heart.

UK Ministers will confirm a legally binding PM 2.5 target in two years' time, alongside goals for waste reduction, wildlife, and water.

The announcement follows criticism that the government's 2020 Environment Bill failed to include binding targets.

It’s had a mixed reception from green groups, who can't tell yet whether the planned targets will be strong or broad enough to tackle the current ecological crisis. They’re also dismayed that the targets won’t be settled until 2022.

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