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Ever since June of this year, our carbon neutral scheme has been helping to prevent deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest. Now, six months on, following a positive response, our funding will go towards a different project in the rainforest.
The Amazon Rainforest supplies more than 20 per cent of the world’s oxygen. However, deforestation by commercial logging and subsistence farming has led to the destruction of one-fifth of the rainforest.
As part of the car hire our carbon neutral programme, we working with groups to prevent the deforestation that accounts for 15 per cent of all global greenhouse gas emissions.
Since June, it is estimated that we’ve donated close to £20,000 to projects in South America. The money has been raised through our carbon neutral programme that offsets the carbon emissions produced by their fleet of low-emission vehicles. For every car hire, £1.25 is donated to the project.
As the only carbon neutral vehicle rental company, sustainability is very important to us. With rainforests around the world under threat, we’re pleased to be supporting the continued sustainability of the largest one on the planet.
After seeing positive effects from supporting The Florestal Santa Maria Project, which avoids planned deforestation in the Amazon, Green Motion has now turned attention to preventing unplanned deforestation through The Portel-Pará Project.
The Portel-Pará project is in the Portel micro region of the rainforest, an area of extreme importance for biodiversity conservation. The aim is to prevent unplanned deforestation in native forests including logging, squatting and attempts to implement pastures.
We support the environment in terms of our own business practices as well as the low-emission vehicles that our customers hire. We take the environment very seriously and the correct practices run through the core of our business.