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London Stansted outlines the growth potential and benefits of existing runway

London Stansted outlines the growth potential and benefits of existing runway

  • New routes and increased frequencies to drive growth and enable doubling of passenger numbers to 40-45 million per year on single runway.
  • Growth achievable within agreed noise and air quality limits and existing boundary
  • Existing capacity has the potential to support an extra 10,000 on-site jobs and generate £4.6bn in additional economic benefit
  • Key enabler of growth in the London-Stansted-Cambridge corridor and east London

London Stansted Airport today launched a consultation on its draft Sustainable Development Plan (SDP) that sets out how the airport will develop to make use of the existing capacity of its single runway.

Stansted’s important role has already been recognised by the Airports Commission, and the plan will help inform its final recommendations to Government on the vital contribution that Stansted’s existing capacity will make to meeting demand over the next 10-15 years